1. Boulder Teen Science Café: Leave No (Digital) Trace

    Thu 24 September 2015

    Teen Science Cafe Logo

    I am very excited to announce that I will be giving a talk at the Boulder Teen Science Cafe next Tuesday September 29th from 5:30-7pm at the CU Museum of Natural History‘s BioLounge. My talk is entitled “Leave No (Digital) Trace: The Geography of Social Media”, and here is the ‘snippet’ from the website announcing my talk:

    Our first Teen Café of the 2015-16 academic year features self-described “Geo Nerd” Dr. Carson Farmer, assistant professor in the CU Geography Department. When the average person thinks about geography, they might imagine a weathered, old map or a globe. When ...

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  2. Citizen-based Environmental Monitoring in NYC

    Fri 16 January 2015

    Last fall, Carsten Kessler and I gave a online talk about our EnviroCar project. The talk was entitled “EnviroCar - A GIS Framework for Citizen-based Environmental Monitoring in NYC” and was hosted by the New York State GIS Association. It was the first talk of the Transportation Professional Affiliation Group, which was quite an honor for Carsten and I. Check out the NYSGIS YouTube channel for more awesome talks, and check out the following embedded video to see the EnviroCar recording:

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  3. Interdisciplinary Workshop on Geospatial Computing

    Thu 30 October 2014

    Geospatial Computing Workshop

    Hey all, I’ll be running a half-day workshop on Geospatial Computing with Python at the upcoming Interdisciplinary Workshop on Geospatial Computing (IWGC-2014) on November 20-21, 2014 at TheMuseum, Kitchener, Ontario. Its going to be a really great event, with lots of experts in the field of geospatial computing. It is particularly relevant to students who have an interest in geospatial computing.

    Organizers: Colin Robertson (Laurier), Graham Taylor (Guelph), Rob Feick (Waterloo)

    We invite participants to an Interdisciplinary Workshop on Geospatial Computing. The workshop is aimed broadly at bringing together disparate communities working with geospatial tools and data. We ...

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  4. GEOS seminar series at the Graduate Center

    Tue 30 September 2014

    The Geography, Earth Science and Oceanography Seminars (GEOS) is hosting myself and Prof Sean Ahearn this Thursday to give a talk on “Computational GIScience: Current Research at the CARSI Lab”.

    GEOS Seminar Series Announcement

    The talk will feature a bunch of the fun and exciting stuff we’re doing at CARSI, including our EnviroCar project and some of my recent work with spatial data flows. The talks will start around 5:30 PM on Thursday October 2nd 2014 in the Science Center, Room 4102 at the CUNY Graduate Center (365 5th Avenue, NYC). I’m told that light snacks and refreshments will be served ...

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  5. Become a Citizen Scientist with EnviroCar

    Fri 26 September 2014

    World Class Traffic Jam 2

    Do you have an Android phone? Do you use a car on a regular basis?

    Become a Citizen Scientist!

    enviroCar is an open platform to collect and analyze moving vehicle data. It accesses the car’s sensors with an Android smartphone and a Bluetooth OBD-II adapter that we will provide for free. The enviroCar app provides you with information about your car and your driving characteristics. By uploading the data to the enviroCar server you contribute to a growing collection of anonymized open data, helping scientists and traffic experts understand our city. We are looking for volunteers to join ...

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  6. Stephen Flood Guest Speaker

    Tue 13 May 2014

    Please join us Wednesday, May 21st from 4:00-6:00 pm in the Hunter College Geography Conference Room (Hunter North 1004) for a talk by guest speaker Stephen Flood, who will be talking about Communicating across disciplines in the climate change sphere.

    If you can’t make it in person, there will also be a live feed available here (the feed will also be recorded, so you can view it at a later date as well).

    Topic: This seminar will leverage the work carried out in the Climate Changes Impacts and Implications for New Zealand (CCII) project to demonstrate some ...

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  7. Google Summer of Code 2014

    Thu 08 May 2014

    Google Summer of Code 2014 Logo

    The decisions for Google Summer of Code 2014 have been made, and I’ll be mentoring Rahul Raja from India. He will be working on the enviroCar app UX design. Right next door, Carsten Keßler (who has already posted an annoucement) will be mentoring Tao Lin from China, who will be working on the Linked Data service provided by enviroCar.

    We are both looking forward to working with the students and with the folks at 52°North, who are also mentoring 3 more students in other projects:

    • Sensor Data Access for Rasdaman, Simona Badoiu (Romania)
    • Using the ILWIS framework for ...

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  8. Free and Open Source Masterclass, Aug 2014

    Wed 30 April 2014

    FREE AND OPEN SOURCE GISAugust 4th to 8th, 2014

    The Department of Geography at Hunter College of the City University of New York and Hunter Continuing Education are offering a five day professional course in Free and Open Source GIS from August 4th to 8th, 2014. This five day course will span the entire range of GIS data capture, management, analysis, and visualization of geographic information using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). These different elements of the GIS workflow will be discussed over the first four days and will then be applied in a final project completed on ...

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