1. What Do We Do With All This Big Data?

    Tue 28 October 2014

    This is an interesting and thought-provoking TED Talk by Susan Etlinger about how important it is to encourage ‘critical thinking’ when it comes to Big Data. Here, the idea is not let the ‘data speak for themselves’ but rather tell an engaging and intelligent story ‘with data’. Basically, we need to move beyond counting things in order to really understand anything.

    I agree with pretty much everything Susan says, and her use of a very personal example really deepens the impact of her talk. I really liked her focus on the need for ‘deepening our critical thinking skills’, and I ...

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  2. ftools is dead… long live ftools!

    Tue 15 October 2013

    I recently decided to drop ftools.ca, since I hadn’t updated it in a very long time, and it was really just costing me money to keep a ‘dead’ website up and running. Additionally, with the new QGIS plugin infrastructure, hosting my own plugins (the website’s primary purpose) was no longer needed. The site has served me well for many years, and really helped get fTools (the plugin) into the QGIS core codebase. The website has served its purpose, and now that I have very little involvement with fTools and the QGIS Processing Toolbox that is poised to replace it, I’m moving on: ftools.ca is dead, long live ftools.ca!

    However, now that QGIS 2.0 has rolled out, it seems that at least one part of ftools.ca is missed: my old cartogram plugin. If I have some spare time, I’ll try to update the plugin to the latest and greatest QGIS 2.0 standards and upload it to the new QGIS plugins system. In the mean time, for those out there who would like to use it right away, you can get the original code from here or grab it from github. In fact, if someone is able and willing, they can grab the code from github, update it for QGIS 2.0, and submit a pull request which I will (more than likely) happily accept.

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  3. Because its fun to map stuff…

    Fri 30 March 2012

    Its been quite a while since my last post, and its Friday and I was feeling creative, so I decided to map something! I’ve been looking for an excuse to produce a nice graphic like the one Anita Graser created to represent Vienna’s green-spaces. She used Quantum GIS to produce a hexagonal grid for representing the density of Viennese trees instead of the standard heat map or kernel density map, and the results are quite nice! I’m a huge fan of QGIS, but I tend to do most of my work in R, so I decided to ...

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